” The God of War ” Dominates this Two (2) Dragon Sword-Knife of Yazi ” The Bloodthirsty God ” whom Loves to Fight and Five (5) Hand Carved Scabbard Rings. Five is a Dragon Number so it is Good Luck. “Yazi” The God of War is carved on the Both Hilts. Yazi is depicted as a Half Wolf & Half Dragon and he is the ” Second of Nine Sons of the Dragon “. Therefore His image is displayed on Weapons of War. Five (5) Hand Carved Rings on the Spine of the Sword were painstakingly and individually carved. And associated with The Five Blessings (Longevity, Wealth, Health, Peace, and Doing Good). (Water, Fire, Earth, Wood, and Metal), and Associated with the Emperor of China (Tiananmen Gate has Five Arches for the Forbidden City). The jade is a beautiful piece of Dark Green Black Nephrite and very heavy for its size. The piece is free of any cracks or inclusions and all coloring is natural.